Saturday, February 19, 2011

For more than two years

He has taken part in since 1994 to hope that the engineering donates to subsidize to learn an activity, continuously for 16 years, the total amount donates to subsidize to learn over 70,000 dollars and subsidizes a difficult student of more than 100s to complete studies, is praised as the saddle"hope engineering one person" in the mountain City.He starts with take part in to hope that the engineering donates to subsidize to learn activity for purpose of"Guo Ming Yi is benevolence unites a brigade".For more than two years, under his record of events inspiration, the member of "benevolence allied brigade" has already developed to°from 12 people 30 people, the total amount donates to support scholarship sum more than 40,000 dollars and totally subsidizes more than 120s to trap to living especially.

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